Monday 22 June 2009

Apple's iPhone 3GS - Software

In the Clinton era, there was a well-known phrase, "it's the economy stupid!". I have been using a different form of this "It's the Software stupid!" now for a number of years. In my final blog posting in this sequence about the latest iPhone, this phrase is even more pertinent. Never mind the additional hardware in this device, I still believe that its strongest card is the software within it. This includes the application store which houses orders of magnitude more apps than "stores" for other devices. However more even than this, the core features of the latest 3.0 system update for all iPhones is what will give this device its future strength as a platform, and Apple its leadership in the marketplace of smart-phones and mobile internet devices. Specifically the APIs provided for third-party hardware as well as software apps in 3.0 will distinguish the iPhone platform in that marketplace. Over 40 million iPod Touch and iPhone devices now already exist and the cost of ownership is falling all the time, as more geographical markets of the globe are included. This is a platform for the future, which developers find it simple to design for, and which users find it a delight to use.

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